Life comes from Life

Matter comes from Life
Join the Scientific Sankirtan

BVISCS is the home base of Subtle Healing.

The Bhakti Vedanta Institute of Spiritual Culture and Science was established by Sripad Bhakti Madhava Puri Maharaja, Ph.D., in 2012 as an educational institution engaged in the practice, study, and teaching of Vedantic Bhagavat philosophy.  The institute’s mission is to establish the integral importance of education in the non-sectarian, scientific knowledge of the Vedantic conception of reality.  The institute maintains mailing lists and websites which support the mission of the institute, publishes papers in academic journals, prints literature discussing our ideals, and organizes scientific conferences.  Our regular Sadhu Sangha program meets every Saturday from 1-4 PM.  We start with kirtan, or congregational singing and chanting, then engage in a philosophical discussion led by our director, Sripad Puri Maharaja, and conclude with a vegetarian prasadam feast.  This is a free program.  BVISCS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  


Feel free to attend our program or learn more:

812 State Rd., Suite 104, Princeton, NJ 08540

Free program every Saturday and Sunday, virtually and in person respectively.  Please email or call (732) 604-4135 for more information.  


Bhakti Vedanta Institute of Spiritual Culture and Science:

Bhaktivedanta Institute’s founder/director and origins:

Science and Scientist annual international conference series:


Mailing lists:



Vedanta and Hegelian Philosophy: